You are an association, and you wish to increase the donations of Internet users, to recruit volunteers? The Google Ad Grants program (or Google for associations) .
Allows you to benefit from free 10,000 USD (approximately 8,400 €) per month to publish your ads through Google Ads. In this article, we explain how the program can help you reach your goals, and how you can benefit from it.
What is an Ad Grants account?
Google Ad Grants is a program that awards grants of up to USD 10,000 (approximately € 8,400) per month to eligible associations. It allows you, through the Google Ads platform, to serve advertisements on the Google search network without spending additional budget.
Check your eligibility
In order to benefit from the grants and to show your advertisements, your association must meet the eligibility criteria, which may vary by country. For France, all the conditions to be met are:
- Have a website that complies with Google Ad Grants rules
- Be recognized as a charitable organization
- Be a non-profit organization or NGO, having the status of association law 1901, foundation law 1987, endowment fund law 2008-776, or respecting the Civil Code
- Be published in the Official Journal of Associations or other legal publication
- Be registered with Solidatech , the regional branch of TechSoup Global
- Accept Google's terms of service for associations
However, some entities are not eligible:
- Government entities
- Hospitals and health organizations
- Schools, educational institutions and universities
The 3 steps to get an account
Now that you know you are eligible, you will proceed with your registration. Here's how to do it:
- Create a Google account for associations
- Once approved (the transaction can take up to 15 working days), complete the associated eligibility form
- Go back to your Google for Associations account to confirm that you have completed the form and submit your grant activation request
Once you have completed these steps, all you have to do is wait until you receive the Google Ad Grants approval email.
Maintain your eligibility
Once your account is created, you can use it as a classic Google Ads account and take advantage of your subsidies to distribute your ads and achieve your goals! Please note, however, that you can only activate text ads as sponsored links.
You will also need to apply a few rules in order to maintain your eligibility for the program:
- Your keywords must be composed of several words
- Avoid overly generic keywords
- Your keywords must maintain a quality score (score given by Google to your keywords to define their relevance) greater than 2: use the automatic rules to make your task easier.
- Maintain a click-through rate (CTR) greater than 5%:: automatic rules can also help you by putting keywords that have a too low click-through rate to sleep
- Use a valid method for conversion tracking and record at least one conversion per month
- Create at least two ad groups per campaign, and two ads per ad group
- Have at least two add extensions "site links"
- Complete the Google Ad Grants survey annually. This is sent to the login address for your account.
You must, of course, remain in compliance with the terms of use of the Google Ads platform.
Overall, the key to maintaining your eligibility is to maintain your account in order to maintain the quality and relevance of your advertising. You now have the keys in hand to launch your campaigns on Google for associations and achieve your goals!