The 11 rules of Writing for the Web to know

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The 11 rules of Writing for the Web to know

You can't improvise yourself as a web editor! Writing for the web meets strict rules, to appeal to desktop readers, mobile users and search engines.

Writing for the Web - Web Content Guidelines - Web Team

To attract the attention of its audience, you must offer content that takes care of both substance and form. But above all, your content must be correctly written and provide added value to readers.

How to do ?

1. A captivating title

Your brilliant blog post won't grab attention if your headline doesn't measure up. Your headline is the first, and possibly the only, impression you make to a potential reader. We remind you that 80% of the audience read the title of your article and only 20% continue reading!.

The title must therefore seduce and arouse the curiosity of readers, if you want to bring them to the call-to-action (which is normally at the bottom of the article). Without an interesting promise that turns a visitor into a reader, the rest of your text might as well not exist. So, writing great headlines is an essential skill.

The title is also essential for your SEO. 36% of SEO experts think the title tag is the most important SEO element!

2. Make it short

Online, you don't waste time reading a long article, especially if it's full of frills. Most readers do not complete the articles they view!

So that the audience does not tire, be simple. Don't make content for the sake of content.

Beyond 300 words, your content is not penalized by Google, so as much as it pleases your readers. If there are topics that don't require a 1,000-word article, don't force yourself. If certain subjects need to be deepened, go for it!

3. Air the text

Air, make air! With catchy headlines, people and search engines have a clear idea of ​​what's in each part. You encourage and facilitate reading, while optimizing your SEO.

4. Opt for simplicity

For web writing, keep it simple! Focus on short sentences and words that everyone understands. Avoid powerful language like colloquial language.

Banish technical jargon and make sure every sentence makes sense. Write short sentences that are easy to understand. Easy-to-understand articles will attract more readers.


5. List!

Instead of listing in a long sentence, create lists formatted with bullets, dashes, or numbers.

Easy to read and understand. They are very popular with readers, especially those who consult your text on a mobile. In addition, Internet users more easily keep information presented in this way.


6. Choose the right font

To keep readers as long as possible and to encourage them to read the article to the end, bet on a pleasant and readable font. As a priority, opt for sand serif fonts, used by most websites. Among the most popular are.

The classics: Arial, Vercana, Caliri, Georgia and Times New Roman. Icon fonts make up half of the top 10 most popular web fonts, with the rest being clean and sturdy sand serif typefaces.

Our advice
The size of the font is also important because it must be comfortable for reading, without forcing the user to descend on his screen constantly. Depending on the font selected, choose a size between 12 and 14 points.

7. Illustrate the articles

A well-illustrated article will be read more.Writing for the Web Indeed, it will capture the interest of the Internet user throughout the reading. Of course, choose visuals under the ideas and words in the text.

You can opt for photos, drawings, graphics, diagrams, videos or even infographics. Make sure of the quality of the illustrations and always remember to specify the sources.


8. Enrich with facts

To ensure the quality of your web articles, give concrete examples. It could be numbers, a study, current events, etc. Thanks to this information, you show your seriousness and you reassure readers about the reliability of the information in your article.

Again, it is essential to cite your sources.


9. Think about SEO Writing for the Web

Most Internet users use search engines to find an answer to their question. In addition, 60% of marketers say that inbound feeds (SEO, blog content, etc.) Are their best source of leads, and they have a 14.6% close rate. You understand then, that to be read, it is necessary to be well referenced.

When writing, you should be mindful of the keywords embedded in the title, text, and captions. The goal is to appear on the first page, because 3 out of 4 Internet users will not go beyond!

10. Entertain and inform…

Every content should have a purpose. It can make people discover, entertain, inform, showcase, inspire, etc. You should know that 63% of Internet users share content because it's interesting, 46% because it's funny and 43% because it's important.

11. connoisseur vote audience writing for the Web

Cela semble simple, mais de nombreux rédacteurs professionnels l’oublient. Avant de rédiger un contenu, n’oubliez pas de vous poser les bonnes questions. Qui est mon public cible ? Comment le définir et le classer ? Comment créer un contenu adapté pour ce public cible ?

Si vous répondez à ces questions plutôt simples, vous serez en mesure d’élaborer des contenus engageants.


Pour que vos contenus vous aident à remplir vos objectifs, nous vous recommandons fortement de faire appel un rédacteur web professionnel. Cet écrivain 2.0 est capable d’adapter ses textes aux lecteurs et aux moteurs de recherche.