5 tips for writing an effective blog post

Building an effective blog is a long process. Expert Tips for Writing a Blog Post. It is necessary to proceed step by step to overcome all the difficulties. Once you have found your first article topics, you will start writing them. But how do you write blog posts well ?


5 tips for writing an effective blog post

To write on the Internet, it is essential to follow a certain method, especially if you are working alone on the development of your blog. So writing effective and interesting articles you must:


These steps will make it easier for you to write your first blog posts. The advice given in this article is used today by a large majority of web editors for the creation of quality content .



Once the blog post has been determined, you need to find a catchy title for it. This title is used to announce to the Internet user how the subject will be treated.


There are 3 types of titles depending on the content:

  • Which is…? or what is…? for articles with definitions
  • Why…? or how…? for articles of explanations and justifications
  • X tips for…, X steps for…, X ways to…, etc. to share your tips and best practices for your business


The ideal is to have a title with a maximum of 70 characters. This facilitates the visibility of the article on Google. Nothing serious if you exceed 3 or 4 characters, but be careful never to have a title of over 75 characters.



Obviously, your title must contain the famous main keyword. The latter must be present in the text and in specific places in the content that we will see later. This strategy will allow you to aim for 1st place on Google .



The title of the article will influence the organization of your ideas and the concepts discussed in the heart of your content. To do this, you need to break your content down into sub-parts.


Each sub-section addresses a specific point of your article. Thus, you make reading easier for the Internet user and your content writing work .


Start with the general notions of your subject first before developing the more specific ones as you go. In web writing, we call this way of structuring content the “funnel” or “pyramid” effect .



Of course, if your content is an encrypted list of tips or best practices (for example, 10 tips for your blog), you will have as many sub-sections as there are tips. The primary goal is to have understandable content for readers. 


People read blog posts diagonally, so the structure of the article can play a crucial role in keeping them as much as possible on your website. The titles of these sub-sections should be simple and explicit for a better understanding of the subject .


The mistake to avoid is to write without having clearly defined your sub-parts. Indeed, you risk repeating yourself or contradicting yourself in your article. There is nothing worse for the reader than going through an article where the ideas are not organized.


5 tips for writing an effective blog post



To write good web content, you need to use simple words. Put yourself in the shoes of an Internet user who does not know the technical jargon of your profession. Your editorial line must be adapted to your target. The content of the articles must be optimized with a complete lexical field in relation to the subject addressed.


To make content reading more fluid and attract the reader's attention to specific keywords or notions, you must:

  • Write sentences of 3 lines maximum 
  • Write paragraphs of maximum of 10 lines
  • Space the paragraphs of each sub-section
  • Put characters in bold (4 keywords maximum per paragraph)
  • Add links to other pages on your site or blog posts
  • Use bulleted or numbered lists to prioritize your arguments
  • Organize your ideas as a table


Regarding the length of the content, it is recommended to write articles with at least 500 words. Pay close attention to spelling and grammar errors, consider proofreading. For conjugation, mainly use the “present”. Indeed, this time makes reading more pleasant and involves the reader more. And it's the easiest to combine!


Be careful not to copy the texts that you can read on the Internet. Use your own words and phrases. The "duplicate content" or duplicate content in French is severely punished by search engines like Google. In conclusion, take inspiration from what exists while having your own editorial style. Your blog should contain unique content that is optimized for natural referencing (SEO) on Google.




To ensure that Internet users stay on your blog posts as long as possible, it is strongly recommended that you illustrate your comments. To do this, you can use different means:


  1. Image: contextualizes and adds color to your content
  2. The video increases the time spent by Internet users in your articles
  3. The diagram makes your text easier to understand
  4. Computer graphics: synthesizes your ideas and arguments


For the choice of images to place on your blog posts, two solutions are available to you:

  • Do you have pictures of your professional activity? Perfect use these illustrations to dress up your content.

  • You have no image related to your job? Don't panic, there are websites offering free and royalty-free images .


Thanks to these visuals, visitors spend more time on your content and will share it more around them. This will therefore affect the visibility of the article on the Internet and its Google referencing .


Illustrations are therefore a great way to enrich the content of an article on your professional blog.



5 tips for writing an effective blog post


Writing blog posts is a good practice to improve your website positioning on Google. However, to make the most of this advantage, you must integrate certain elements related to natural referencing (SEO) in your content:


  • A main title with the keyword of the article
  • A description of the content, also called a meta-description (it must be approximately 180 characters long)
  • Highlighted hierarchical sub-parts
  • A URL address without accents and with your main keyword (for example, for this article, the keyword is “write a blog article” which gives the following URL address:
    blog.simplebo.fr/5-conseils- write-article-blog-effective)
  • Links to other web pages on your site or articles on your blog (internal networking)


To rank websites on the search engine, Google considers over 200 criteria. It is necessary to ensure that your site and blog meet these standards as much as possible to hope to reach the top positions .


Google's bots also take your site's content into account for SEO. Your articles then show Google you are sharing information that may interest Internet users. So the more you write content related to your activity, the more Google positions you as an expert.


In an article, you can also place external links to other websites on specific concepts. You then redirect Internet users to informative content that can give more details on a subject.


The more qualitative your content, the more other sites will also place a link to your articles. Thus, you will get inbound links on your site (also called "backlinks") which will considerably improve your SEO on Google. 



Blogs are a great way for professionals to advertise their activity on the Internet. However, in order for it to be truly effective, there are some key steps to follow. Indeed, building a good blog and a content strategy (also called "content marketing") should not result from chance.


Writing a blog article is therefore subject to a certain rigor. By following the best practices in this article, you will more easily write your content and you find it benefits the positioning of your website on Google.

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